Glass onion


GmI told you about D#7strawberry fields
Gmyou know the place where D#7nothing is real
Gmwell here's another Fm7place you can B7go
where Fm7everything B7flows.
D#7Looking through the bent backed C7tulips
D#7to see how the other half C7live
D#7looking through a glass oniF7on.
I told you about the walrus and me-man
you know that we're as close as can be-man
well here's another clue for you all
the walrus was Paul.
Standing on the cast iron shore yeah
lady Madonna crying to make ends meet yeah
looking through a glass onion.
Oh D#yeah oh C7yeah oh Gmyeah
D#7lookin through a glass oniF7on.
I told you about the fool on the hill
I tell you man he living there still
well here's another place you can be
listen to me.
Fixing a hole in the ocean
trying to make a dove-tail joint yeah
looking through a glass onion.
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:13.253+00:00
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